Clarkesville, Georgia

ESG serves as Clarkesville's City Services partner under a public works and utilities operations, maintenance and management contract. In August 2018, ESG began providing the City with full public works services, along with water treatment, water distribution, wastewater treatment and wastewater collection services.
Facilities Operated and Maintained
0.75 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant
1.5 MGD Water Treatment Plant
5 Lift Stations
60.6 Miles of Water Line
4 Elevated Storage Tanks with 1.0 MG of Capacity
Service Area
2.49 Square Miles
Significant Accomplishments
- Immediately submitted past due water and wastewater permit applications
- Performed maintenance and repair to the City’s greenway nature park
- Found a water isolation valve restricting water flow to a significant portion of the City that could defer construction of a water booster station and storage tank (approximately $2,000,000 in capital savings)
- Cleaned and organized the Public Works location by removing 100 cubic yards of retained debris and 20 cubic yards of scrap metal
- Implemented weed control program through City’s main thoroughfare