Commerce, Georgia

ESG’s relationship with the City of Commerce began in September 2013 after the City engaged ESG under an emergency services task order to assist in operating and maintaining its water treatment facility given the abrupt resignation of their only Class I Operator. Over the course of 3 months, ESG implemented an aggressive action plan that created operational efficiencies, strengthened compliance efforts, and produced over $500,000 in cost savings for the City. ESG finalized a long term contract with the City in January 2014 after winning a competitive procurement. ESG has continued to make significant progress on implementing its plan to increase system redundancy, bolster compliance efforts, and reduce operations and maintenance expenses. ESG has produced measurable and significant results for the City and as recieved the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) Plant of the Year award.
Facilities Operated and Maintained
- 4.5 MGD Water Treatment Plant (conventional surface water)
- 250 acre raw water reservoir
Service Area
39 square miles
Significant Accomplishments
- Raised raw water intake level to enhance water quality and eliminate iron, manganese, taste, and odor problems.
- Saved the City $500,000 by reorganizing the solar bees and moving them closer to the raw water intake.
- Implemented an enhanced chemical management plan that created additional cost savings for the City.
- Implemented an enhanced plant operations plan that reinforced our compliance efforts, enhanced water quality, and created cost savings for the City.
- Implemented a computerized work order system to accurately track maintenance and repairs activities.
- Awarded Plant of the Year in 2016 from GAWP.