Rockdale County, Georgia

ESG’s partnership with Rockdale County began in August 2006. The Rockdale County scope of services includes a staff of 61 associates responsible for the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment system, 28 lift stations, a county-wide water distribution system, the county wastewater collection system, an Industrial Pretreatment Program (including 200 restaurants), and a highly complex up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) industrial pretreatment facility.
ESG has implemented numerous significant process upgrades but most notably is the Almand Branch WPCP major maintenance rehabilitation upgrade which ultimately enabled ESG to save Rockdale County an incredible $4,700,000! ESG/Rockdale County has earned Wastewater Plant of the Year at two of the WPCPs. ESG is a proud supporter of the Rockdale County Youth Baseball League, Great American Cleanup, and Rivers Alive Cleanup initiatives.
Facilities Operated and Maintained
- 8.2 MGD Wastewater Treatment System
- 1.0 MGD Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed Reactor
- 28 lift stations
Service Area
132 square miles
Significant Accomplishments
- Rebuilt the influent pump station at Quigg Branch saving Rockdale Water Resources at least $200,000 in additional contractor installation costs.
- Designed and replaced the off-gas piping system that delivers biogas from the reactor to existing flares.
- Replaced existing PreAcidification Tank at the UASB with a bolted stainless steel tank and replaced numerous portions of corrosion-prone ductile iron piping.
- Expanded the average daily treatment capacity of Quigg Branch from 6 mgd to 7mgd for $1.7 million in project cost. Provided Rockdale County with the most economical treatment capacity increase in its history (cost per million gallons of biological treatment).
- Upgraded the influent headworks at Scott Creek and Honey Creek WCPCs, made electrical upgrades at Honey Creek, installed new chlorine contact basin at Honey Creek, and built a new administration/lab building at Honey Creek.