Vidalia, Georgia

Vidalia is referred to as ESG’s flagship project—our first contract operations client - with a parnership that began in June 2003. The staff of 33 associates in Vidalia - many of whom have been there since the project’s inception - are responsible for the operation of two wastewater treatment plants, four water treatment plants, 19 lift stations, an industrial pretreatment program, 80 miles of collection piping, 120 miles of water distribution piping and 155 miles of streets. Vidalia has been awarded Plant of the Year at the federal, state and local levels and was awarded Plant of the Year in four categories in a single year!
Facilities Operated and Maintained
- 3 MGD Wastewater Plant
- 3 MGD Wastewater Plant
- 7.5 MGD Water Treatment Plant
- 19 lift stations
- 80 miles of collection
- 120 miles of distribution
- 155 miles of streets
- 58 miles of utility right of ways
- 145 acres of right of ways
- 50 vehicles
- 2 signal lights
- 751 hydrants
- 1,710 manholes
- 4 elevated storage tanks (200,000–250,000 gallons)
Service Area
17.4 square miles
Significant Accomplishments
- Awarded Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) State, Regional, and National Plant of the Year Awards in 2008 for LAS Wastewater Plant
- Client savings of $2,400 per year for street contracts
- Within 180 days of partnership, reduced more than 300 large scale backlogged work orders from previous contractor
- Created over $7.5 million in savings on capital improvements.