Winder, Georgia

The City of Winder partnered with ESG in August 2012 to operate the Highway 53 Water Treatment Plant, the Cedar Creek and Marburg Creek Wastewater Treatment Plants, and the sewer collection system which consists of 89 miles of gravity sewer, over 5 miles of sewer force mains and 11 lift stations. The City expanded its partnership by adding the Public Works Department to ESG’s scope of service in March 2014, which includes building and facility maintenance, parks, cemetery operation and maintenance, road/right-of-way maintenance, detention pond maintenance, stormwater system repair and maintenance, watershed protection plan management, street repair and maintenance, and street signage repair and replacement.
Facilities Operated and Maintained
- 4 MGD wastewater treatment plant (Cedar Creek)
- 1.5 MGD wastewater treatment plant - reuse permit (Marburg)
- 6.2 MGD water plant — surface water plant with anthracite and sand filters
- Wastewater Collection System
- 89 Miles of gravity sewer main (sizes range from 8”-24")
- 5.15 miles of sewer force main (sizes range from 4”-12”)
- 13 Lift Stations (ranging from 0.1 MGD-1.0 MGD)
Service Area
12.9 Square Miels
Significant Accomplishments
- 2015 Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) Wastewater Plant of the Year — Cedar Creek WWTP.
- Survey grade GPS equipment used to locate all sewer manholes in the City’s sewer system. The City was able to upload this data into ArcGIS to develop an accurate and detailed sewer map which can be viewed in the field on portable tablets.
- Performed a pilot test at Highway 53 water treatmtent plant to verify filters could be hi-rated with minimal piping improvements, which will increase the output of the water plant from 6.2 MGD to 9.2 MGD.
- Provided engineering services for stormwater pipe sizing at no cost to the City.
- Hydrojet/root cut 18.5 miles of sewer pipe in last 12 months.